13 Dec 2019

1. Describe the properties of acids and bases. 2. Define an acid according to the Arrhenius concept. 3. Identify strong and weak acids. 4. Explain the difference between strong and weak acids. 5. Identify strong and weak bases. 6. Write chemical equations to illustrate how acids react with compounds containing carbonates. 7. Explain the difference between solution, solute, and solvent. 8. Define concentration and molarity. 9. Explain the difference between concentrated and dilute. 10. Calculate the molarity of a solution. 11. Calculate the number of moles or grams present in a given volume of solution with a specified molarity. 12. Calculate the molarity of a solution after the solution has been diluted. 13. Calculate the volume of a concentrated solution required to prepare a specified volume and concentration of a dilute solution. 14. Perform stoichiometry calculations involving solutions. 15. Explain what oxidation-reduction reaction means. 16. Determine the oxidation state of a given element. 17. Differentiate between oxidation and reduction. 18. Differentiate between oxidizing agent and reducing agent. 19. Identify oxidizing agent and reducing agent in a balanced redox chemical equation. 20. Identify the element oxidized and element reduced in a balanced redox chemical equation.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
17 Dec 2019

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