13 Dec 2019

Describe the preparation of:

1)2.20 L of 0.0850 M KMnO4 from the solid reagent. Dissolve _g KMnO4 in enough water to give a final volume of _L

2) 1.60 L of 0.270 M HClO4 , starting with an 8.00 M solution of the reagent. Take _ mL of the 8.00 M reagent and dilute to _ L with water.

3) 300 mL of a solution that is 0.0850 M in I-, starting with MgI2. Dissolve _ g MgI2 in enough water to give a final volume of _ mL.

4)220 mL of 3.70% (w/v) aqueous CuSO4 from a 0.378 M CuSO4 solution. Take _ mL of the 0.378 M CuSO4 solution and dilute to _ mL with water.

5) 2.20 L of 0.286 M NaOH from the concentrated commercial reagent [50% NaOH (w/w), sp gr 1.525].

Take _ mL of the concentrated reagent and dilute to _ L with water.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
16 Dec 2019

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