30 Mar 2019

1.Rank the following types of light - radio waves, gamma rays, microwaves, red light, blue light - in terms of: a.Increasing energy per photon b.Increasing wavelength c.Increasing frequency 2.Without doing any calculations, determine which of the transitions would result in the absorption of light of longest wavelength? Explain your choice . n = 1---> n = 3 n = 3 ----> n = 2 n = 1 ----> n = 7 n = 2 ----> n = 1 n = 7 -----> n = 5 3.According to the Quantum-Mechanical model, a.Sketch the s-orbital and all of the p-orbitals b.Which orbital is larger? i.2s or 3s ii.2p or 4p iii.3d or 5d Write the full electron configurations for each below(Both line form and box form): a.B b.Mg c.Cl d.V e.As f.Rb

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
31 Mar 2019

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