12 Dec 2019


*freezing water is possible only if the entropy of the surroundings increases

· Liquid water has a lower entropy than liquid benzene at 25°C because of hydrogen bonding in water.

· Ice at 0°C has a higher entropy than liquid water at 0°C because the density of ice is lower than the density of water.

· It is impossible to freeze ethanol because the change in entropy of the system is negative.

· Binding a substrate to an enzyme always lowers the entropy because the substrate loses translational and rotational degrees of freedom.

· Entropy is the main driving force in the formation of the DNA double helix.

· Evaporating a liquid has always a positive change in entropy

· All elements in their standard states have an entropy of zero at 25°C.

· Reactions that involve only gases always have a positive change in entropy

· The chemical potential of a solute in a mixture does not depend on the concentration of the solute because it is the molar Gibbs free energy of the substance.

· For a reaction A ->2B, the ∆G of the reaction is negative as long as μA > μB

· The activity of a 1M solution of a solute is a = 1 only if we assume that the solution is ideal.

· The ∆G° of a reaction is zero when the reaction is at equilibrium.

· ∆G° and ∆G°’ are the same for a reaction does not involve hydrogen ions

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
13 Dec 2019

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