11 Dec 2019

1.Which of the following is a physical property?

A) ozone reacts with silver to give silver oxide

B) platinum metal does not react with hydrochloric acid

C) the density of lead

E) Sulfur burns in oxygen to form sulfur trioxide

2. Which of the following is a chemical property of gold?

A) is malleable

B) does not react with hydrochloric acid

C) is a good conductor of heat

D) is a good conductor of electricity

3) Which of the following is a physical change?

a) the freezing of water to form ice

B) the inability of gold react with water

C) the burning of paper

D) the sodium metal vigorously with water

E) the reaction of zinc with hydrochloric acid

4. Which one of the following would be classified as a heterogenous mixture?

A) copper nitrate solution

B) mix of table salt and black pepper

C) Salt water


E) a sugar solution

5. Which of the following is a chemical change?

A) the boiling of water to form steam

B) crushing of lump of sulfur into yellow powder

C) the reaction of chlorine gas and sodium to form salt

E) hammering zinc into a thin film

6) An extensive property is

A) independent of the quantity of matter observed

B) difficult to measure

C) always strongly dependent on the external conditions

D) dependent on the quantity of matter observed

E) is a unique value regardless of the measurement conditions

7) Which of the following defines or expresses the concepts of accuracy?

A) average of the data

B) differences between the accepted answer and the average value of the data

C) deviation of the average

D) the closest value to the expected answer

E) reproducibility of a measurement

8) Hydrates are:

A) orgainc compounds that contain oxygen together with usual carbon and hydrogen

B) readily soluble in water and release energy

C) concentrated solutions of salts in water

D) moistyre sensitive hygroscopic inorganic salts

E) compounds in which each formula unit has one or more water molecules associated with it

9) Which of the following is the correct defintion of isomer?

A) Isomers are molecules with the same empirical formula but have different isotopes

B) Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula but contain different istotopes.

C) Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula but different arrangement of atoms in space

D) Isomers are molecules that have the same arrangements of atoms in space but different empirical and molecular formulas

E) Isomes are molecules that have the same empirical formula but different arrangements of atoms in space

10) Most water-soluble compounds of Group 1A or 2A elements are:

A) nonelectrolytes

B) weak electrolyes

C) weak acid

D) strong electrolytes

E) strong acids

11) to precipitate Cd2+(aq) from solution one could add:

A) KI(Aq)

B) NaCl(aq)

C) H2S(aq)


E) HCl(aq)

12) Select a statement that best describe the oxidation process

A) in the oxidation process all elements experience an increase in oxidation state

B) in the oxidation process all elements change oxidation state

C) in the oxidation process some elements change their oxidation state

D) in the oxidation process some elements experience oxidation state increase

E) In the oxidation process only oxygen increases its oxidation state.

13. A disproportionation reaction is one in which:

A) the dame substance is oxidized and reduced

B) the equation is not balanced

C) both reactants are reduced

D) water must be added

C) more of one substance reacts than another

14) The energy of molecules of a gas:

A) is the same for all molecules at constant temperture

B) is dependent on concentration

C) increases with an increase in pressure

D) is distributed over a wide rande at constant temperature

E) increase with a decrease in temperture

15. The volume correction term in the van der Waals equation is present because:

A) molecules occupy volume

B) molecules attract each other

C) barometers are inaccurate

D) molecules repel each other

E) molecules are diatomic

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
13 Dec 2019

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