
Consider an ionic compound, MX2, composed of generic metal M and generic, gaseous halogen X.

The enthalpy of formation of MX2 is ΔHf° = -929 kJ/mol.

The enthalpy of sublimation of M is ΔHsub =109 kJ/mol.

The first and second ionization energies of M are IE1 = 747 kJ/mol and IE2 = 1449 kJ/mol.

The electron affinity of X is ΔHEA = -311 kJ/mol.

The bond energy of X2 is BE = 217 kJ/mol.

Determine the lattice energy of MX2. ΔHlattice

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Rei Juez del Mundo
Rei Juez del MundoLv10
23 Nov 2020

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