
What is ΔH°rxn for the following chemical reaction?


You can use the following table of standard heats of formation (ΔH°f) to calculate the enthalpy of the given reaction.

Express the standard enthalpy of reaction to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.

Element/ Compound                Standard Heat of Formation (kJ/mol)
H(g)                                                       218
N(g)                                                       473
H2(g)                                                    0
O2(g)                                                    0
NH3(g)                                               −45.90
O(g)                                                      249
CO(g)                                                 −110.5
H2O(g)                                              −241.8kJ
C(g)                                                      71
HCN(g)                                               130.5kJ
C(s)                                                     0
HNO3(aq)                                          −206.6

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Kenneth Duque
Kenneth DuqueLv10
3 Nov 2020

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