
I crushed acetamide and heated until melted, i let it cool and started again.

Melting Point of Acetamide (°C)

Trial 1

80 C

Trial 2

82 C

Trial 3

81 C

Average of the 3 Trials

81 C

A. Describe your results for the melting point of acetamide. Were your results consistent? What was the range of values?

B. The published melting point of acetamide is 81°C, calculate the percent error between your experimental values and the published (theoretical) value. Show your work.

C. Describe what occurs to the particles of a substance when the substance melts. Explain why this occurs.

D. When performing this experiment, when is the acetamide in a condensed phase? Explain your answer.

E. Based on your observations of acetamide when it reformed a solid after melting, does acetamide form a crystalline or amorphous solid? Explain the difference between these two terms as part of your answer.

F. Give some examples of how it might be useful to know the melting or boiling points of a substance. Think in terms of both scientific and commercial/industrial settings.

G. Describe any possible sources of error for this exercise.

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
29 Sep 2019

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