23 Nov 2019

Ti3+ is to be generated in 0.10M HClO4 solution for coulometricreduction of azobenzene.

TiO2+ + 2H+ + e --> Ti3+ +H20 E= 0.100V

4Ti3+ + C6H5N=NC6H5 (azobenzene) + 4H20 --> 2C6H5NH2(aniline) + 4TiO2+ + 4H+

At the counter electrode, water is oxidized, and O2 is liberatedat a pressure of 0.20 bar. Both electrodes are made of smooth Pt,and each has a total surface area of 1.00 cm2. The rate ofreduction of the azobenzene is 25.9nmol/s, and the resistance ofthe solution between the generator electrodes is 52.4ohms.

a) Calculate current density (A/cm2) at the electrode surface.Use table 17-1 in text to estimate the overpotential for O2liberation

[Smooth Pt at 10 A/m2 H2 = 0.024, O2 = 0.721 .... 100A/m2H2=0.068 O2=0.85..... 1000 A/m2 H2=0.288 O2=1.28...... 1000 A/m2H2=0.676 O2=1.49]

b). Calculate the cathode potential versus SHE assuming that[TiO2+] surface = [TiO2+]bulk = 0.050M and [Ti3+] surface =0.10M

c). Calculate the anode potential versus SHE

d). What should the applied voltage be?

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