18 Nov 2019

Gas boiler uses methane (CH4) as its fuel source. As a newly appointed engineer, you are assigned by your superior to determine whether the current boiler operation is running at the optimum conditions. You are given the average daily Orsat gas analysis of the stack gas as shown in Table Q3.

Table Q3: Composition of Orsat stack gas.

Component Mol (%)

CH4 0.55

O2 12.00

N2 82.40

CO2 5.05

Given the element molecular weight of C=12, H=1, O=16 and N=14. Assume the air stream fed to the boiler only consists of 21 mol% O2 and 79 mol% N2. In order to perform the analysis, you need to solve few fundamental question below.

a. Write the main stoichiometric combustion reaction.

b. Draw the input-and output flowchart of the process.

c. By using element balances and taking 100 kmol/s of Orsat flue gas as the basis of calculation, determine the following:

i. The mass flow rate of natural gas into the boiler.

ii. The percentage of excess air used in the combustion

iii. The actual fractional conversion of methane

iv. The actual water produced.

v. Composition of stack gas in wet basis.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
13 Jun 2019

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