18 Nov 2019

1. Which of the following pairings regarding protein structure is/are incorrect?

Question options: a) primary structure: alpha helix

b) quaternary structure: hydrophobic interactions between different regions of the same polypeptide strand

c) tertiary structure: interactions between R groups on different polypeptide chains

d) secondary structure: hydrogen bonding between R groups on the same polypeptide strand

e) All of the above are incorrect.

2. Given the following pairs of amino acids, which pair contains the correct type of interaction through which the two amino acids most likely interact?

Question options: a) valine and leucine: charge-charge (salt bridge)

b) threonine and cysteine: disulfide bond

c) aspartic acid and glutamic acid: hydrophobic interaction

d) threonine and serine: hydrogen bonding

e) None of the above is correct.

3. Which statement is correct regarding the comparison of the following three tripeptides:

1) lys-lys-lys

2) asp-asp-asp

3) lys-asp-val

Question options:

a) Under physiological conditions, peptide #1 elutes last using cation exchange chromatography.

b) Under physiological conditions, peptide #2 elutes first using anion exchange chromatography.

c) Under physiological conditions, peptide #3 elutes last using anion exchange chromatography.

d) Under physiological conditions, peptide #3 elutes first using either cation or anion exchange chromatography.

4. When varying the substrate concentration at a fixed concentration of enzyme it is observed that at low concentrations of substrate the reaction is ________ (with respect to substrate),while at high concentrations of substrate the reaction is ________ (with respect to substrate).

Question options: a) initial; maximal

b) maximal; initial

c) second order; first order

d) first order; zero order

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
22 Apr 2019

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