17 Nov 2019

A resort has a swimming pool that is kept at 25◦C and a hot tub that is kept at 40◦C.
The water in both facilities contains 2×10^−4 M total hypochlorite (TOT OCl, the sum of
the HOCl and OCl– concentrations) and is adjusted to pH 7.2 (aH+ = 10^−7.2).

(a) The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of HOCl into H+ and OCl– in the swimming pool
is 10^−7.53. What is its value in the hot tub?

(b) What is the concentration of HOCl (the more powerful of the two disin-fectant species)
in each solution, if the solutes behave ideally?

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
21 Aug 2019

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