11 Nov 2019

CHEM 1011 Discussion Question 3 Objectives To become familiar with the uses of Radioisotopes through use of the Internet. To be able to use your knowledge and understanding of radioisotopes to contribute to the discussion board. Background According to our textbook, “radioisotopes are powerful tools for studying processes in biochemistry, medicine, material science, environmental studies and many other scientific and industrial fields.” Below is a list of radioisotopes and their half-lives. You will be choosing one of these radioisotopes to explore in more detail.

Assignment Choose one of the radioisotopes from the list or find a radioisotope that is not on the list but interests you. Using your book and Internet resources, find five interesting pieces of information on the radioisotope you selected. I was given Yttrium-90 (64 h)

Suggested pieces of information may include: How is the radioisotope formed in nature (type of decay)? Risks associated with the radioisotope Number of subatomic nucleons present Stability of the radioisotope How this radioisotope is used. Is the radioisotope used as a medical tracer? If yes, for what body part or process? Briefly explain. (These are just a few suggestions. See if you can find other interesting facts.) Remember to site your sources in APA style. Respond to at least two other students. Contribute to an ongoing discussion by responding to comments made to your posting or to comments made by other students to other postings.

Grading This discussion is worth 12 points. Your posting will be graded on an eight-point scale. Your responding to two other students’ postings and your contribution to ongoing discussion is worth four points.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
26 Sep 2019

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