
Thepayment sugar beet growers receive is based on the sucrosecontent of their delivered beets. A sample is taken from each loadof beets and the sugar content in the beets is determined bypolarimetry of the beet extract. In a typical situation 50 grams ofpulverized beet tissue is homogenized with 360ml of dilute aluminumsulfate. The homogenate is filtered and the optical rotation isdetermined by use of a polarimeter. For one sample, the followingobservation were noted:

Tube length=4 decimeters

temperature=20 degree celsius

optical rotation (a)= +4.97 degree

total volume of extract=405ml

1. how much sucrose was contained in the 50 gram sample?

2. If the sugar beet grower receives $0.145 for each pound ofsugar, what would he receive for one metric ton (1000Kg) ofbeet?

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Sep 2019

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