
using 50 mL of HCl and .25g of magnesium. Record the MAXIMUMtemperature displayed by the thermometer in the calorimeter.

1. Record the following for each of the three experiments:

(a) Mass of the empty calorimeter (g):

(b) Initial temperature in the calorimeter (C):

(c) Maximum temperature in the calorimeter from the reaction(C):

(d) Calculate deltaT as Tmaximum - Tinitial (C):

(e) Mass of the calorimeter and its contents after the reaction(g):

(f) Calculate the mass of the contents of the calorimeter(g):

(g) Calculate the moles of Mg reacted (MW=24.305 g/mole):

2. Calculate the heat released into the solution for the 3reactions, according to:

q(reaction) = Ccal * Delta T + mass(contents) * Cp (contents) *deltaT

(If you have not measured the calorimeter constant yet, assume thatit is zero for this experiment.)

3. Find the molar heat of reaction for each experiment in units ofJoules / (mole of Mg) by dividing the heat of reaction by the molesof Mg used.

4. Calculate and record the average molar heat of reaction from thethree results.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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