12 Nov 2019

I need to use integrals to do this:

You are driving your truck when the fuel gauge stops working. Fortunately for you, you have a measuring stick that you can use to find the depth of the gasoline remaining in the tank. Your fuel tank is a cylinder, laying on its side, that has a diameter of 2 feet and a length of 4 feet. Find the markings on your measuring stick that will tell you when you have 3?4 of a tank, 1?2 of a tank, 1?4 of tank , and 1?8 of a tank of gas remaining. For example, it seems obvious that there is 1?2 a tank of gas remaining if you measure a depth of 1 foot of gas in the tank.

Your answers should in terms of feet (in whole numbers) and inches or appropriate fractions of an inch.

Rulers do not have 1.1 feet marked on them, but they have do have 1 ft, 1 3 inches (the closest 16

measurement to 1.1 feet, to the nearest 16th of an inch).

Please don't skip any steps, and explain where/how you got formulas. I have googled a bunch and my biggest problem is getting lost between steps or where formulas came from. I would not only like to be able to do this problem but understand it so I know how to apply it elsewhere. My second problem is understanding how to put information into an integral.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
7 Aug 2019

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