10 Nov 2019

For all the problems, all of the greater thanand less than signs (>,<) should be a greater/less than equalto signs.

-Solve using the simplexmethod:

1) Maximizesubject: p= x + 2y +3z

3x + y+ 3z<1

2x + y + z<2

x> 0, y> 0, z >0

-Solve using the simplexmethod:

2) Minimize subject to: c=10s + 3t,

5s + 4t > 4

2s + 3t > 2

s> 0, t> 0


3)Maximizesubject to P = 3x+ 2y + z

2x + 3y + z <30

x - 2y + z > 20

2x + 5y + 2z >0

x > 0, y > 0, z >0

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
24 Apr 2019

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