8 Jul 2018

Knarles and Barkley arefather and son respectively. Barkley is seventeen years old. Theyoperate a facilities maintenance company that regularly doesbusiness in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. Thecompany is based in Maryland. They have a number of contracts withbuilding owners where they have agreed to provide buildingmaintenance to both residential and commercial buildings within thethree jurisdictions already mentioned. They receive a monthlypayment of $2,000 to $4,000 depending upon the size of thebuilding. They bill the owners for any equipment of a substantialnature that has to be replaced. Because of Knarles' long-termrelationships with building owners, these contracts that were oncein writing are generally renewed without a new written agreement.Often Knarles and Barkley will replace outdated and brokenequipment such as water heaters and boilers that are part of abuilding's heating system. Further, as part of maintenance theyregularly wash windows, remove snow and do touch-up painting asrequired.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
10 Jul 2018

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