22 Jan 2019

1) A properly designed internal control system is a key part of accounting information systems' design, analysis, and performance. True False

2) The use of internal controls provides guaranteed protection against losses due to operating activities. True False

3) Good internal control dictates that a person who controls an asset should also maintain the accounting records for that asset. True False

4) Once a good system of internal control is in place, it rarely needs review. True False

5) Two important limitations of internal control systems are (1) human error or human fraud and (2) cost-benefit. True False

6)The main principles of internal control include which of the following:

Establish responsibilities.

Maintain minimal records.

Use only computerized systems.

Bond all employees.

Require automated sales systems.

7) A good system of internal control:

Urges adherence to prescribed managerial policies.

Insures profitable operations.

Eliminates the need for an audit.

Requires the use of noncomputerized systems.

Is not necessary if the company uses a computerized system.

8) A company's internal control system:

Eliminates the risk of loss.

Monitors and controls business activities.

Eliminates human error.

Eliminates the need for audits.

Is not necessary in large companies.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
23 Jan 2019

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