
Smiller Company uses a periodic inventory system. At the end of the annual accounting period, December 31, 2010, the accounting records for the most popular item in inventory showed the following:


Compute the cost of goods available for sale (a), cost of ending inventory (b), cost of goods sold (c) at December 31, 2010, under each of the following inventory costing methods. (show solutions and round to the nearest dollar)

1. Weighted average cost

2. First-in, first-out

3. Last-in, first-out

4. Specific identification, assuming that the first sale was selected two-fifths from the beginning inventory and three-fifths from the purchase of February 20, 2010. Assume that the second sale was selected from the remainder of the beginning inventory, with the balance from the purchase of June 30, 2010.




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Romarie Khazandra Marijuan
Romarie Khazandra MarijuanLv10
2 Feb 2021

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