11 Sep 2018

"Financial Analyst Skills"Please respond to the following:

Based on the informationpresented in the e-Activity, recommend the skills that are requiredto be a successful Financial Analyst, indicating how the role of aFinancial Analyst adds value to a company. Provide support for youranswer.

Assess the key ratios usedby Financial Analyst to evaluate the financial performance ofcompany, indicating the ratio that you believe to be mostindicative of future performance. Providesupport for your rationale.

"Financial Analysis"Please respond to the following:

Determine three key ratiosthat should be used when evaluating the financial performance of acompany, indicating what information this will reveal to an analystand the impact to decisions made about the company.

Given that financialanalysis is reactive based on events that have already occurred,suggest how financial analysis may obtain information to beproactive to the decision-making process. Provide support for yourrationale.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
12 Sep 2018

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