
Pigeon, Inc., a 501(c )(3) organization, received support fromthe following Communication sources. Governmental unit A forservices rendered $ 6,300 Governmental unit B for services rendered4,500 Fees from the general public for services rendered (eachpayment was of $100) 75,000 Gross investment income 39,000Contributions from disqualified persons 26,000 Contributions fromother than disqualified persons 160,000 Total support $310,800 a.Does Pigeon satisfy the test for receiving broad public support?Why or why not? b. Is Pigeon a private foundation? Be specific inyour answer. c. Arnold Horn, Pigeon’s treasurer, has asked you toadvise him on whether Pigeon is a private foundation. Write aletter to him in which you address the issue. His address is 250Bristol Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
29 Sep 2019

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