
(a) Depreciation on factory equipment.

(b) Depreciation on office equipment.

(c) Depreciation on factory building.

(d) Advertising manager's salary.

(e) Assembly foreman's salary.

(f) Salespersons' salaries.

(g) Salespersons' travel expenses.

(h) Supplies for the Machining Department.

(i) Advertising supplies used.

(j) Electricity for the Assembly Department.

(k) Lost materials (scrap) in a Machining Department.

(l) Direct labor in the Assembly Department.

(m) Supplies for the sales office.

(n) Sales commissions.

(o) Packing supplies.

(p) Cost of hiring new employees.

(q) Payroll fringe benefits for workers in the ShippingDepartment.

(r) Supplies for Production Scheduling.

(s) Cost of repairing parts improperly manufactured in theMachining Department.

(t) Paint for the Assembly Department.

(u) Heat, light, and power for the factory.

(v) Leasing of computer equipment for the AccountingDepartment.

Specify an appropriate cost driver for tracing costs associatedwith the various levels of activities to the next cost objective orproducts, whichever is appropriate

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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