
Equivalent units of production (EUP) weighted averagemethod
Units % Materials EUP – Materials % Conversion EUP Conversion
(Beg. goods in process inventory - units / total unitsaccounted for / total units to accounted for / units completed& transferred out / units started this period) - Select 1
(Beg. goods in process inventory - units / total unitsaccounted for / total units to accounted for / units completed& transferred out / units started this period) - Select 1
Total units
Cost per equivalent unit of production Materials Conversion
(Costs transferred out / costs incurred this period / costs ofending work in process / cost of beg. work in process) - Select1
(Costs transferred out / costs incurred this period / costs ofending work in process / cost of beg. work in process) - Select1
Totalcosts Costs Costs
Divide Equivalent units production EUP EUP
Cost per equivalent unit of production Materials Conversion
Totalcosts Costs Costs
DivideEquivalent units of Production EUP EUP
Costper equivalent unit of production
Total costs accounted for:
Cosof units transferred out: EUP Cost per EUP Total cost
Totalcosts transferred out

Costs of endingWIP EUP Cost perEUP Total Cost

Directmaterials _____ $______ ______

Conversion ______ $_______ _______

Total cost of ending WIP

Total costs accounted for

Total costs to account for:
(Cost transferred out/costs incurred this period/cost ofending work in process/ cost of beg. work in process) - Select1
(Cost transferred out/costs incured this period/cost ofending work in process/ cost of beg. work in process) - Selecet1
Total costs accounted for:
Total costs accounted for:
Difference due to rounding costs/unit:
Unit reconciliation:
(Beg. work in pricess inventory - units / ending work inprocess units / units completed & trasnferred out / unitsstarted this period)
(Beg. work in pricess inventory - units / ending work inprocess units / units completed & trasnferred out / unitsstarted this period)
(extra row - ignore)
Total units to acount for:
Total units accounted for:
Units completed & transferred out
Ending Work in process - units
Total units accounted for:

Tamar Co. manufactures a single product in one department. Alldirect materials are added at the beginning of the manufacturingprocess. Conversion costs are added evenly throughout the process.During May, the company completed and transferred 25,200 units ofproduct to finished goods inventory. Its 3,600 units of beginningwork in process consisted of $20,400 of direct materials and$248,940 of conversion costs. It has 2,700 units (100% completewith respect to direct materials and 80% complete with respect toconversion) in process at month-end. During the month, $677,100 ofdirect material costs and $2,350,260 of conversion costs werecharged to production.

1. Prepare the company's process cost summary for May usig theweighted- average method. (Charts before question)


Prepare the journal entry dated May31 to transfer the cost of completed units to finished goodsinventory. (Do not roundintermediate calculations. Round your final answer to the nearestwhole dollar.)

JournalEntry Worksheet

  • Record the transfer of goods tofinished goods inventory.
Date General Journal debit Credit
May 31

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019

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