
Management Practices

Your internship/externship offers you opportunities to inquire,explore, and discuss relevant topics related to your degree plan inthe School of Business and Information Technology. Now that youhave been with your internship/externship organization for manyweeks, you have developed a better understanding on the nature oftheir business, how the organization functions, and the manner inwhich managers and leaders interact with various stakeholders.

Throughout your degree program, you learned a great deal aboutmanagement practices. With regard to the organizationalproblem/opportunity you have been studying for your Final Project,observe the management practices employed at your work site. As youshadowed the managers and supervisors, you should have takenparticular notice of their behaviors, management styles, and workperformance.

Answer the following questions and provide your professionalopinion based on your experiences and observations:

Discuss some of the positive management and accounting practicesyou observed in relation to the problem/opportunity you have beenstudying.

Discuss some of the negative management practices you observedin relation to the problem/opportunity you are studying.

Describe the management styles you encountered or observed thatcan be useful in solving the problem or capitalizing on theopportunity.

Describe the management styles you encountered or observed thatcan be detrimental in solving the problem or capitalizing on theopportunity.

Describe the accounting practices, policies, and procedures ofthe business.

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
28 Sep 2019

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