
Without considering the following capital gains and​ losses,Cathy, who is​ single, has taxable income of $430,000 and amarginal tax rate of 39.6%. During the​ year, she sold stock heldfor nine months at a gain of $17,000​; stock held for three yearsat a gain of $13,000​; and a collectible asset held for six yearsat a gain of $22,000. Ignore the effect of the gains on anythreshold amounts and assume that her marginal tax rate of 39.6 %.39.6% does not change.

Requirement a. What is her taxable income and the increase inher tax liability after considering the three​ gains? Her taxableincome is $ What is the increase in her tax liability afterconsidering the three​ gains? Category Taxable amount Rate Tax NetSTCG 17000 20% 3400 Net LTCG (ANCG) 13000 20% 2600 Net gains fromcollectibles 22,000 20% 4400 Increase in tax liability 10400

Requirement b. In addition to the above three​ sales, assumethat she sells another asset and has a STCL of $22,000. What is hertaxable income and the increase in her tax liability afterconsidering the four​ transactions? Her taxable income is $ . Whatis the increase in her tax liability after considering the four​transactions? First select the label for the applicable categoryof​ gains, then enter the taxable amount. In the last columncompute the tax for each category and the increase in taxliability. ​(Abbreviations used . Enter the net taxable amount foreach category. If a box is not used in the table leave the box​empty; do not select a label or enter a​ zero.) Category Taxableamount Rate Tax Increase in tax liability

Requirement c. In addition to the above three sales in Part​ a,assume that she sells another collectible asset held seven years asan investment and has a $29,000 capital loss. What is her taxableincome and the increase in her tax liability after considering thefour​ transactions? Her taxable income is $ . What is the increasein her tax liability after considering the four​ transactions?First select the label for the applicable category of​ gains, thenenter the taxable amount. In the last column compute the tax foreach category and the increase in tax liability. ​(Abbreviationsused . Enter the net taxable amount for each category. If a box isnot used in the table leave the box​ empty; do not select a labelor enter a​ zero.) Category Taxable amount Rate Tax Increase in taxliability

Requirement d. Determine her medicare tax on net investmentincome in​ (a) if all of the $430,000 of taxable income is due tosalary. Her medicare tax on net investment income, from Requirementa, is $ because all of the $430,000 of taxable income is due tosalary.

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019

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