
Provide a response to this students discussion post:

What do you think of the effectiveness of online marketing? Howcould the firms use online marketing channels to gain competitiveadvantages?

Everywhere you look someone is on their phone. People feel nakedif they forget their phones. They reach for them as a sense ofsecurity when in social situations that they do not want to takepart in. Phones seem to be society’s security blanket- theirsolution to finding entertainment while standing in line and, well,an overall solution to boredom. So, in my opinion, why wouldn’t acompany want to switch over to digital marketing?

This seems to be the best way to reach people at all hours ofthe day. According to our reading, there were polls done in 2012that showed that 88% believed that digital media was more effectivethan television when it came to advertisements reaching theconsumer and directing them to online stores (Marketing Profs,2012). That was back in 2012. This seems even more likelytoday.

For example, this past Thanksgiving, there were stores that weretypically opened on Thanksgiving for many years past, and now allof the sudden they were closed so their employees could enjoy theholiday (Dengler, 2016). It makes one wonder if they would still dothis if they did not have online sales.

Firms can use online marketing channels to pinpoint theiraudience. They can advertise on sites that their targeted audiencewould visit. These days, one can be searching online for a productand all of the sudden they will see that product pop up in his orher social media feed. At first it was a big deal, but now it seemsthat everyone is used to it. When networking online, business havea farther reach. Information taken from a Manta survey showed, 74%of small business owners who also have access to online networkssay it is easier for them to network online rather than just personto person networking (Marketing Profs, 2012).

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019

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