

1. What is the duty of the auditor after the issuance ofthe financial statements?

2. Under what circumstances can an additional paragraphbe issued in an unqualified opinion? Where is this additionalparagraph presented in the auditor’s report?

3. When there is a group audit with a sharedresponsibility or when an auditor relies on the work of anotherauditor, what reference is contained in the audit report and whichparagraphs contain the reference?

4. Is it possible for the auditor to issue two differentopinions in the same year on the same financial statements? If yes,give an example?

5. What must be done by the auditor if internal controlsare found to be ineffective?

6. What are the opinions that can be issued by theauditor on the internal control report?

7. List 10 terms that can be used when performingsubstantive tests, ex. Trace, review, etc.

8. Give 2 examples of substantives tests for each of thefollowing: Inventory, A/R, A/P and cash.

9. What type of audit procedures are performed by anauditor? Why are they performed?

10. Why are auditors required to retain auditdocumentation?

11. What are audit working papers? Who owns thesedocuments? These papers must be kept confidential. Can they ever bereleased to other parties?

12. How long is the auditor required by the PCAOB toretain the audit working papers of public companies? Of privatecompanies?

13. What is required of an auditor for the varioussubsequent events?

14. What two criteria must be met for the financialstatements to be adjusted for a subsequent event?

15. What is the auditor’s responsibility after the endof field work but before the financial statements have been issued?After the financial statements have been issued?

16. What reports are filed with the SEC by publiccompanies? Under what circumstances are they filed?

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Sep 2019

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