
Several years ago, the Johnson Co. granted options on5,000 shares of its common stock. The fair market value of eachoption on the grant date was $3 per share. The exercise price is$2. The tax rate (all years) is 20%. The options are exercised atthe end of the current year. At the beginning of the current year"Paid-in capital tax effect of stock options" had a credit balanceof $10,000.

1. What is the ending balance of Paid-in capital tax effect ofstock options if the fair market value of the stock on the exercisedate was $3 per share ( See textbook p. 1134-5 Case b. )?

2. What is the balance of Paid-in capital tax effect of stockoptions at the end of the current year if the fair market value ofJohnson's stock on the exercise date was $11 per share (textbookCase a. )?

3. What is the ending Paid-in capital tax effect of stockoptions, if the market price of the stock on the exercise date is$5.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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