
On January 1, 2013, NRC Credit Corporation leased equipment toBrand Services under a direct financing lease designed to earn NRCa 12% rate of return for providing long-term financing. The leaseagreement specified:


Twelve annual payments of $64,000 (including executory costs)beginning January 1, 2013, the inception of the lease and eachDecember 31 thereafter through 2021.


The estimated useful life of the leased equipment is 12 yearswith no residual value. Its cost to NRC was $403,080.

c. The leasequalifies as a capital lease to Brand.

A 12-year service agreement with Quality Maintenance Company wasnegotiated to provide maintenance of the equipment as required.Payments of $5,900 per year are specified, beginning January 1,2013. NRC was to pay this executory cost as incurred, but leasepayments reflect this expenditure.

A partial amortization schedule, appropriate for boththe lessee and lessor, follows

Payments Effective
Decrease in
(12% × Outstanding balance)
1/1/13 58,100 58,100 344,980
12/31/13 58,100 0.12 (344,980 ) = 41,398 16,702 328,278
12/31/14 58,100 0.12 (328,278 ) = 39,393 18,707 309,571

Assume the contract specified that NRC (the lessor) wasto pay, not only the $5,900 maintenance fees, but also insurance of$790 per year, and was to receive a $340 management fee forfacilitating service and paying executory costs. The lessee’s leasepayments were increased to include an amount sufficient toreimburse executory costs plus NRC’s fee.


Prepare the appropriate entries for both the lessee andlessor to record the second lease payment, executory costs, anddepreciation (straight line) on December 31, 2013. (If no entry isrequired for a particular transaction, select "No journal entryrequired" in the first account field. Enter your answers in wholedollars.)

1. Record the cash payment.

2. Record the depreciation expense.

3. Record the cash received.

Journal Accounts List:

No journal entry required

Accretion revenue

Accumulated depreciation


Amortization expense



Cost of goods sold

Deferred gain on sale-leaseback

Deferred initial direct cost

Deferred profit

Deferred rent expense payable

Depreciation expense

Gain on sale-leaseback

Insurance premium payable

Interest expense

Interest payable

Interest receivable

Interest revenue

Inventory of equipment

Lease expense

Lease payable

Lease receivable

Lease revenue

Leased building

Leased equipment

Leased land

Leased property

Leasehold improvements

Loss on leased assets

Loss on residual value guarantee

Maintenance fee payable

Notes payable

Prepaid maintenance

Prepaid rent


Rent expense

Rent revenue

Residual asset

Right-of-use equipment

Sales revenue

Selling expense

Unearned miscellaneous revenue

Unearned rent revenue

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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