
Flexible Budget for Selling and Administrative Expenses for aService Company

Morningside Technologies Inc. uses flexible budgets that arebased on the following data:

Sales commissions 7% of sales
Advertising expense 25% of sales
Miscellaneous administrative expense $1,850 per month plus 3% of sales
Office salaries expense $17,000 per month
Customer support expenses $2,600 plus 4% of sales
Research and development expense 5,750 per month

Prepare a flexible selling and administrative expenses budgetfor April for sales volumes of $115,000, $145,000, and $175,000.Enter all amounts as positive numbers.

Morningside Technologies Inc.
Flexible Selling and Administrative ExpensesBudget
Forthe Month Ending April 30
Total sales $115,000 $145,000 $175,000
Variable cost:
Sales commissions $ $ $
Advertising expense
Miscellaneousadministrative expense
Customer support expense
Total variable cost $ $ $
Fixed cost:
Miscellaneous administrative expense $ $ $
Office salaries expense
Customer support expense
Research and development expense
Total fixed cost $ $ $
Total selling and administrativeexpenses $ $



Sales and Production Budgets

Sonic Inc. manufactures two models of speakers, Rumble andThunder. Based on the following production and sales data for June,prepare (a) a sales budget and (b) a production budget.

Rumble Thunder
Estimated inventory (units), June 1 278 77
Desired inventory (units), June 30 319 67
Expected sales volume (units):
East Region 4,100 4,600
West Region 5,000 4,350
Unit sales price $115 $185

a. Prepare a sales budget.

Forthe Month Ending June 30

Product and Area
Model Rumble:
East Region $ $
West Region
Total $
Model Thunder:
East Region $ $
West Region
Total $
Total revenue from sales $


Cash Budget

The controller of Sonoma Housewares Inc. instructs you toprepare a monthly cash budget for the next three months. You arepresented with the following budget information:

May June July
Sales $90,000 $111,000 $142,000
Manufacturing costs 38,000 48,000 51,000
Selling and administrative expenses 26,000 30,000 31,000
Capital expenditures _ _ 34,000

The company expects to sell about 10% of its merchandise forcash. Of sales on account, 60% are expected to be collected in themonth following the sale and the remainder the following month(second month following sale). Depreciation, insurance, andproperty tax expense represent $9,000 of the estimated monthlymanufacturing costs. The annual insurance premium is paid inSeptember, and the annual property taxes are paid in November. Ofthe remainder of the manufacturing costs, 75% are expected to bepaid in the month in which they are incurred and the balance in thefollowing month.

Current assets as of May 1 include cash of $34,000, marketablesecurities of $49,000, and accounts receivable of $107,800 ($79,000from April sales and $28,800 from March sales). Sales on accountfor March and April were $72,000 and $79,000, respectively. Currentliabilities as of May 1 include $10,000 of accounts payableincurred in April for manufacturing costs. All selling andadministrative expenses are paid in cash in the period they areincurred. An estimated income tax payment of $13,000 will be madein June. Sonoma’s regular quarterly dividend of $9,000 is expectedto be declared in June and paid in July. Management wants tomaintain a minimum cash balance of $27,000.


1. Prepare a monthly cash budget and supportingschedules for May, June, and July. Input all amounts as positivevalues except overall cash decrease and deficiency which should beindicated with a minus sign.

Sonoma Housewares Inc.
Forthe Three Months Ending July 31
May June July
Estimated cash receipts from:
Cash sales $ $ $
Collection of accounts receivable
Total cash receipts $ $ $
Estimated cash payments for:
Manufacturing costs $ $ $
Selling and administrative expenses
Capital expenditures
Other purposes:
Income tax
Total cash payments $ $ $
Cash increase or (decrease) $ $ $
Cash balance at beginning of month
Cash balance at end of month $ $ $
Minimum cash balance
Excess or (deficiency) $ $ $


Factory Overhead Cost Budget

Sweet Tooth Company budgeted the following costs for anticipatedproduction for August:

Advertising expenses $259,400
Manufacturing supplies 14,220
Power and light 42,400
Sales commissions 290,020
Factory insurance 24,690
Production supervisor wages 124,710
Production control wages 32,420
Executive officer salaries 264,390
Materials management wages 35,670
Factory depreciation 20,210

Prepare a factory overhead cost budget, separating variable andfixed costs. Assume that factory insurance and depreciation are theonly fixed factory costs.

SweetTooth Company
Factory Overhead Cost Budget
Forthe Month Ending August 31
Variable factory overhead costs:
Manufacturingsupplies $
Power and light
Production supervisorwages
Production controlwages
Materials managementwages
Total variable factory overhead costs $
Fixed factory overhead costs:
Factory insurance $
Factory depreciation
Total fixed factory overhead costs
Total factory overhead costs $

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Sep 2019

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