
1, The term capitalize means to record an expenditure as an expense. True or False.

2, Cash received from the sale of salvaged materials increase the total recorded cost of the land. T or F

3, Most if the costs associated with internally developed intangible assets are recorded as intangible assets on the balance sheet. T or F

4, Goodwill is recorded as an intangible asset on the balance sheet only when it is purchased as part of the acquisition cost of another company. T or F

5, Book value is equal to the original cost of the asset less the toal balance in accumulated depreciation. T or F

6, Impairment occurs when the future cash flows geerated for a long-term asset fall below its fair value. T or F

7, Circle Co purchased a piece of equipment by paying $10,000 cash. There was a shipping cost of $1,200 and a renovation cost of $3,200 to the building to get the space ready for the installation. There was also an installation cost of $1,000. What should be the recorded cost of this piece of equipment?

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
30 Sep 2019

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