ECO200Y5 Chapter Notes -Political Philosophy, Vladimir Putin, Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud

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6 May 2023

Document Summary

This paper takes the position that the most impactful political thinker that outdo all the others is niccol machiavelli. This paper will assess the contributions made by niccol machiavelli while discussing the importance of these contributions. Then the writing would shed a light on how his contributions can help us better analyse and tackle the contemporary political challenges and leadership questions. Machiavelli"s main assitions to political thought include his unique view on power politics, his condemnation of the idealism, and his focus on the practical aspect of politics. Machiavelli"s most famous work, "the prince," provides a controversial view of power politics. He believed that a ruler should not hesitate to use all means necessary to maintain his power, even if it those means considered unethical or immoral. The main assertion that machiavelli makes is that it is more important for a ruler to be feared rather than loved, because fear is a more effective tool for maintaining power.