GOVT 200 Lecture Notes - King James Version, Process Philosophy, Capitalism

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6 Apr 2023

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A worldview is someone"s personal view on matters of life. Understanding why we believe what we believe is crucial as the world pushes culturized and normal worldviews upon us daily. The process philosophy can have a daily, direct influence and changing of our worldview without us even knowing. Throughout this paper, the process philosophy will be analyzed, as well as the effects that it can have on our education and families. The first signs of the process philosophy were seen in the west through the pre-socratic. Herculitus, who believed that change is reality and stability is an illusion. "process philosophy is associated with the philosophers alfred north whitehead (1861-1947) and charleston hartshorne (1897-2000) (hustwit). 1848 throughout europe and the american civil war because of the failure of romanticism- Transcendentalism, which caused a theological shift (martin, 2006). Romanticism-transcendentalism community were searching for new standards to believe in and live by. Ultimately, the community concluded that god was the problem.