PSYCH-4052 Chapter Notes -Subatomic Particle, Atomic Orbital, Manganese

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Others include: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, chlorine, etc: the human body also contains 14 other elements in very small amounts. These are known as the trace elements such as copper, zinc, manganese, and fluorine: solids=maintain their volume and their shape in, atoms are the smallest indivisible unit of an element and are ordinary temperatures and pressures. Solids possess particles that are held tightly together and are typically the densest of the three states. Examples: a brick, a rock, and your textbook: liquids=maintain a constant volume but have no fixed shape. Instead, their shape is determined by the shape of its container. The particles of liquids are loosely held together and are typically less dense than solids. Examples: water, soda, alcohol: gases=do not maintain a constant volume or fixed shape. Gases can be compressed or expanded; unlike liquids they will fill a container of any size.

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