PHYSICS Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Plane Mirror

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6 Mar 2023

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As we just discussed, light is a form of energy which enables us too see. Light travels in straight lines, these lines are called light rays. A bundle of light rays forms a beam of light. We talked about light as it enables us to see things, how does this happen. There are basically luminous and non- luminous objects. Those objects which give out their own light are luminous objects, such as sun, bulb etc. While those objects which do not give off light are non-luminous such as anything, lets say your hands or a picture. We can only see these objects if there is a light source (luminous object) available. We are able to see when light rays enter our eyes after they are reflected from non-luminous objects. Reflection of light is an important characteristic of it. To describe the terms in the diagram above, here it goes: