PSYCO258 Chapter Notes -Mental Chronometry, Cognitive Revolution, Behaviorism

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22 Jan 2023

Document Summary

: seeing in the absence of a visual stimulus provides a way of thinking that adds another dimension can enhance memory. Mental imagery : refers to the ability to recreate the sensory world in the absence of physical stimuli (all senses just visual) Wundt"s early ideas of imagery imagery is one of the 3 basic elements of consciousness (along withs sensation & feeling) Image & thought since images accompany thought - the study of images = the study of thinking. : the debate whether thought is possible in the absence/presence of images absence - people who can"t imagine visually are capable of thinking. Behaviourism - only measurable things are worth studying ended this debate. Cognitive revolution - the shift from behaviourism to studying the mind. :states that concrete words have enhanced memory because they create images to "hang on to" demonstrates how images create cues that can help with memorizing ordered lists.