ANTH 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dual Inheritance Theory, Forensic Anthropology, Carl Linnaeus

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9 Jan 2023

Document Summary

Anthropology: the study of humans in all of their forms. It differs from other fields because it is interested in all human forms throughout history: identify and describe the four subfields in anthropology. Cultural: the study of society and human behavior from a cross-cultural perspective. Linguistic: the study of a language, its history, use, form, and function archaeology: the study of how people used to live based on the material culture they left be. Biocultural evolution is the notion that our biology allows for culture, and our culture can impact our biology. Some examples are the evolution of our brains, allowing us to create and use language. Certain cultures, such as diet or smoking, can create mutations or diseases that change our biology: identify and describe different areas of study within biological anthropology. Osteology: the study of the human skeleton, the patterns, and processes of human growth, physiology, and development.