BUS-FPX3062 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Capella University, Big 5 Sporting Goods, Loyalty Program

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15 Nov 2022

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Analyzing the data that nike has collected from its dtc marketing strategy will help determine if it is a wise choice for adidas to follow in the footsteps of nike. Narrowing down the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy will ensure that adidas has the best possible summary of data to lead to a decision on switching to dtc or to continue their current strategy. The things to consider will be why nike uses this strategy, the importance of internet and social media, the satisfaction of nike"s customers, and recommended steps for both nike and. Why nike uses the dtc supply chain strategy. A big piece of nike"s direct offensive has been a shift away from wholesale and toward. The company pulled its products off amazon in 2019 and has shed 50% of its wholesale accounts over the last four years, including its relationships with dsw, zappos, dillard"s, and.