BIOL 223 Lecture Notes - Histology, Novella, Collagen

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25 Oct 2022

Document Summary

Histology - is a vtudy of tissue tissue - collection of cells with simallar stutters + function. Epithelial tissue: f. overs the entire body - internal body / external, forms glands like sweat glands . Functions - transport lduffvsion + active transport) , absorbhon , secretion. Uv radiation t sweat or oil prevent skin drying. Epithelium consists of tightly packed calls sitting on adhesive , called a basement mombrane . Basemont membrane is attaches to underlying ct (connective tissue) . acellular structure. Characteristics of epithelia cellularity - extra space / extracellular matrix. Tight junction - top part of cell , Desmosom - middle part of the cell , toward basal , Gap junction - found in cells for transport 10h between cells. Makes cell flexible to prevent the separation of the cell. Basement membrane : extracellular, secretion of epithelium / basal laminal t connective tissue (reticular laminal te proton.