ITI 1100 Lecture Notes - Binary Number, Binary System, Starflight

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Lecture 1 - binary systems (chapter 1 part 1) Early computers were designed to perform numeric computations. They used discrete elements of information named digits (finite sets) Digital systems: manipulate discrete elements of information. Such as the 10 decimal digits or the 26 letter of the alphabet. Deep down inside, its all 1s and 0s. These operations map directly to hardware circuits (logic circuits) The decimal number system uses base 10. The values of the positions are calculated by taking 10 to some power. It used 10 digits: the digits 0 through 9. It uses 2 digits: the digits 0 and 1. The binary number system is called binary because it uses base 2. The values of the positions are calculated by taking 2 to some power. There are two possible ways of writing a number in a given system.