PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Perilymph, Temporal Lobe, Ibm System I

142 views14 pages
11 Jul 2022

Document Summary

* psychology as a science : the scientific method. * descriptive methods: ature , report . record describe a group (cid:8869) naturalistic observation (cid:8869) case studies (cid:8869) participation observation (cid:8869) surveys. Belief that mind and body are separate. Variations in phenotypes body size , hair color, blood type . metabolism ( different members a population have all kinds of individual variations ) I have more offspring than resources food & waters ) 1 populations get bigger : plague , famine and war) Part of the axon that releases the. Action potential gets to the axon terminal (cid:8869) triggers the release of the. Membrane - bound structure found in the soma of the neuron. Necessary for the coded production of proteins within the cell neurotransmitter ggmq ( qg, , body) hywgg aj _ " " "" " a neuron. Extensions of the cell body membrane that branch 0hl to communicate with other neurons: information]