HIST108 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Jacob Burckhardt, Northern Renaissance, Mechanical Engineering

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9 Jul 2022

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The italian renaissance and the sixteenth-century academic learning. Renaissance ="rebirth" --> the rebirth of ancient culture. Those who lead the movement of the renaissance wanted to recreate the society of italian society. Restore ancient glory of italy in their own time. Jacob burckhardt, the civilization of the renaissance in italy (1860) - the italian renaissance = the birth of modernity. Put forward the thesis that the renaissance was a major departure of the achievements of the middle ages, intellectually, distinctiveness of italian work from the rest of europe. He took what the italian authors for what they said at face value. In fact was a combination of medieval culture. Leaders of the italian renaissance claimed their departure from the medieval tradition. The renaissance as the culmination of medieval achievements, not the beginning of something new. (cf. Humanists = university teachers collectively taught subjects that they were humanities. Believed that these subjects made human nature perfect.