HIST108 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Fugger, Early Modern Period, Manorialism

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9 Jul 2022

Document Summary

As a result of the black death, shortage of labour forced laws to emancipate from manorial laws. Two kinds of manufacture in the 15th and 16th c. 16th c onwards absolutist gov offered protection to manufacturing. Those masters who were properly trained who failed to became part of the guild became known as small masters. Had to migrate to small areas -> small scale. A new social class: independent farmers and manufacturers (yeoman) increasingly became subject to government suppression because they competed against urban manufacture. The origins of modern capitalism should be found in the geographical areas where economic ideas that were thoroughly hostile to capital prevailed, unlike the worlds of the orient and the antiquity. ". Grew only in areas that were hostile to capitalistic ideas. Capitalism wasn"t born in the orient, china and india. Max weber (1864-1920), the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. "the orient and the antiquity" knew no moral regulations on commercial activities.