MGT 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Philip Kotler, Menlo College, Product Management

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Lecture 2 marketing process: mantra of marketing by philip kotler, create, communicate, deliver, value, target, profit, make a customer, not for a sale. katherine barchetti. The marketing process: identify a customer need. The first step in exceeding your customer"s expectations is the know those expectations. roy hollister williams. Strategies for identifying customer needs are an integral element of a company"s marketing program. Understanding customer needs helps refine product development projects, marketing communication programs, and distribution choices: research the market. Analyzing markets to determine challenges and opportunities, and finding the information needed to make good decisions. Identifies products consumers have used in the past and what they want in the future. Uncovers market trends and attitudes held by the company insiders and stakeholders. Marketers use environment scanning to learn about the changing marketing environment. Marketing research process: define the problem or opportunity, set research objectives, identify possible marketing actions, develop the research plan.