ISS 210 Study Guide - Anthrozoology, Cultural Relativism, Anthropocentrism

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15 Apr 2022

Document Summary

To succeed on the upcoming victorious declaration of knowledge, please review the readings (humans and other animals ch. Pay particular attention to the terms and concepts listed on this study guide. If a word is listed below, you will want to know the definition. If a further question is noted under that word, answer it to the best of your ability. Please complete before the study session so you have time to ask questions! Remember you also have your pal as a resource, as well as office hours. Know the basic binaries discussed in class: Who has the power to name and organize animals? (this is far more obvious than you first think) Othering know two parts of the definition. Rene descartes - cartesian dualism /mind-body dualism. Know this concept and how it contributed to major historical events, such as colonialism, slavery, etc. (see hurn ch. Which side of the linear progress spectrum (between european civilization and.