NUR 1172 Lecture 2: The Future of Health Psychology

62 views3 pages
22 Mar 2022

Document Summary

When it comes to health psychology we want to focus on ways to remain as healthy as possible. We can reduce the negative impact of stress on our health by trying to reduce stress and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which equips the body to cope with stress that is unavoidable. Exercising regularly and learning to relax reduce the body s responses to stress. Having strong network of social support is also related to healthier adjustment. Religious and altruistic people also typically experience less stress, although the mechanism involved is not clear. Finally people can take steps to minimize the impact of stressful events by making the best of difficult situations and maintaining a sense of humor. The positive psychology movement has prompted many psychologists to promote good health by adopting a healthier lifestyle. (taylor) Important contribution to theory can often come about by simply listening to people talking about their health-related experiences.