MUAR 211 Quiz: Quiz 1 Class notes 1

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Class notes, day 01a: the six basic elements of musical style, ensemble ("scoring", "orchestration": essentially what timbres are heard in the piece?) Dynamics (the relative loudness or softness at any given point in the music) How subtle are the changes in the dynamics: melody (the "linear component of music", pitch & rhythms in succession that form a characteristic whole, often the most memorable part of musical texture) Descriptions of melodic features may concern some of the following style traits: Rhythm involves all aspects of projecting and organizing the pulse in music, including: Are the rhythmic figures widely various (lots of different rhythmic motives) or are the rhythmic figures conservative (just a few rhythmic figures used repetitiously): harmonic language / harmony. Form in music is an important style marker at both the smallest and largest levels, including at the level of phrases, periods, larger subsections, major parts within movement-level formal structures, and the arrangement of movements within multi-movement works.