CMNS 348 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cyberculture, Vertical Integration, Youth Culture

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14 Nov 2021

Document Summary

Methodology: qualitative and quantitative analysis textual analysis statistical methodology. 8-10 references some should be original materials (government papers, financial reports) ~ 10 mins content and visuals explain goal, theoretical framework, methodology, and argument. 45c-85b2-c00ff270c7d2/paper_proposal_feedback. docx: topic/goal, twitch as the world"s most popular live-streaming platform; discuss the evolution of user streaming, and its impact in the global economy as well as the global network of online users. E-sports and gaming as part of youth culture and cultural commodity. Ugc and "user commodities as free labour in social networking sites: theoretical framework & methodology, political economic approach (financial reports, government documents, etc. ) Platform imperialism of the american digital platform twitch. E-sports a new global cultural industry founded. Response in a local/national level through alternative platforms e. x. Streaming culture and practices as new part of youth and internet culture spectatorship. Online influencers and streamers on a worldwide scale.