PSYC 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Heritability

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Psychopathology: scientific study of disorder of the. Research-based study of afflictions of the mind mind (not brain: not sick, not broken, abnormal behaviors (what is normal?) Mental health disorders: clinically significant disturbance in cognition, emotion, or behavior. In order to be classified as a disorders, behavior must be: Dysfunctional/maladaptive physical pain (or causing pain in others) Interfering with what you want or need to do. Clinically conspicuous disturbance in cognition, emotion, and behavior. Negative impact on daily activities/hobbies: getting in the way of survival. Abnormal in nature: relative to the population (and/or other times in your life) the behaviors are out of the norm in severity and/or frequency, anything outside of the range of. Genetic predisposition traits coding for tendencies toward behavioral/mental characteristics: for disorders: genes may put you in the range of being more. Traits that code for proclivities towards behavioral/mental attributes. 2021-22 georgia state university psychology 1101: introduction to general psychology susceptible or affected by environmental influences.